
t-minus-0: goodbye jozi

So I admit that I have been somewhat, yes OK very, remiss in updating this blog since I arrived in Dubai which is rather a shoddy effort I know as the whole point of this blog was to record my thoughts and impressions about Dubai. I don’t really have a good excuse except to say that I had no connectivity to anything for the first week, and for the last few days I have had a laptop etc but no internet connection at home. So today is the first day I have had both together along with a few spare minutes.

I left Jozi on the 28th July after (barely) managing to get everything finally packed, chucked, donated, stored and shipped where necessary without having a nervous breakdown. Thanks so much to Mom, Chris, Marcel, David, Terri and Mandy for keeping me sane and helping me out! After the final push to get everything into my 3 bags (yes well that didn’t happen and 2 more boxes were left to be shipped later) I was an emotional wreck. All the goodbyes in the preceding week had really taken it out of me and poor Chris & Rosa dropped a rather teary-eyed Cat at the airport. Thank goodness we had upgraded me to business class (those air miles finally came in handy) as I could get some rest. I was immensely grateful that we had decided to send the cats ahead as dealing with that as well would have been the last straw. And yes they arrived in one piece, rather unimpressed as you can imagine after being in their boxes for almost 24 hours, but unharmed.

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Animal Rescue

If you would like to contribute a few dollars towards my TNR work with stray cats I would be most grateful

what you missed